The new mission-critical TETRA communication network of the Dutch security and rescue forces (C2000) in the Netherlands has been in regular operation since the beginning of the year. The Hytera Mobilfunk team has thus completed the extended aftercare phase as scheduled. The nationwide TETRA communication system meets the highest possible technological standards and is stable and reliable.
“Our system has settled in very well and the regular operation is running good, as expected. Even a temporary high capacity utilization, for example in an intensive operational situation, is mastered confidently by the system,” says Martin Hucke, Chief Operating Officer at Hytera Mobilfunk, and responsible for the C2000 project within the company. “We will continue to closely accompany the network operation. Our team at Hytera Mobilfunk will take over the maintenance of the system for the coming years.”
Exactly one year ago today: migration overnight
On the night of 28 January 2020 – exactly one year ago today – the old network was shut down and the new, state-of-the-art ACCESSNET® T-IP system from Hytera Mobilfunk was commissioned at the same time. Since then, the entire Dutch police, fire brigade and all rescue services have been communicating via the new C2000 system.
Every day, an average of around 18,600 radios are in operation, making around 155,000 calls a day and processing 100 emergency calls. This so-called one-step migration was an enormous technical and organisational challenge, which the HMF team successfully implemented in trusting and close cooperation with the customer.
The Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice had opted for the one-step migration with Hytera Mobilfunk, as this approach did not require interconnectivity between the “old” and “new” networks. “A great advantage for the customer, who was thus able to save time and money above all,” says Martin Hucke. With ACCESSNET®-T-IP from Hytera Mobilfunk, the Netherlands has received a mission-critical communication system of the latest TETRA generation.