The Hytera Mobilfunk GmbH team will bring its latest broadband products to the 25th Hamburg Communications Day on February 28 at the Holiday Inn (Billwerder Neuer Deich 14).
For 25 years, BESCom Elektronik, Hytera’s long-standing partner, has hosted the Hamburg Communications Day. This event is the north German meeting place for manufacturers, providers of system solutions, network operators and professional mobile and trunked radio users (DMR and GSM), especially in the public safety, industry, retail and trade, public transport, and municipal facilities sectors. The focus of this day-long event will be lectures and presentations, along with a varied exhibition.
PTC760/PDC760, PNC370 and iBS: Hytera’s broadband solutions
In the Hytera Mobilfunk booth, the focus will be on innovative broadband solutions. For example, visitors can inform themselves about Hytera’s innovative LTE multi-mode PTC760/PDC760 radio devices and try out Hytera’s first PoC (PTT-over-cellular) device, the PNC370. The best of both worlds: Hytera’s convergent PMR/LTE solution unites the advantages of narrowband and broadband radio systems on an absolutely homogeneous and flexible communication platform. The Hytera experts at HKT will explain the possibilities of their convergent solution and bring along their latest infrastructure product: the completely integrated and efficient iBS base station.
Hytera expert speaks about the future of 5G
Is 5G a technology that is suitable for mission-critical broadband services? And if so: under what conditions? What must be heeded when sharing commercial broadband networks? Bernhard Klinger, Vice President Business Development at Hytera Mobilfunk GmbH will address these and other questions in his lecture “Paths to the new digital world: The future of the new 5G technology, hybrid networks, and LTE. How will we get there?” In his presentation, in addition to the technical properties of 5G, he will discuss the current state of standardization as well as the frequency situation in Germany. The day-long lecture program of the Hamburg Communications Day begins at 9:00 AM.